A. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of four (4) officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer (in descending order of authority). In addition to these four positions, the RRHS Athletic Director or RRHS Administrator responsible for activities will comprise the Executive Committee.
These officers shall be elected by the general membership of the organization. They shall perform the duties prescribed by the Constitution and Bylaws. The RRBC Board President shall serve as non-voting advisor to the RRBC Board and is the tiebreaker on any motion requiring a majority vote for adoption. RONR (10th ed.), p.392, 1.30 Any presiding officer can chair the general meeting in the event the current president is absent and follow the same procedures. The chair cannot vote twice, once as a member then again in the capacity as the presiding officer.
Officers of the RRBC Board shall serve for one year term, with the exception of the Treasurer, whose term shall be 2 years, from July 1 through June 30. Prior to the expiration of their term, they can resubmit their name for re-election for the same or other position. Subsequent terms in the same elected position shall be limited to 4 additional consecutive terms. (Exception made if volunteers do not come forward to fill vacancies).
RRBC Board meetings shall meet at the discretion of the RRBC President, but at least once per month, with the exception of July and December.
B. Elections
Regular election of officers to the RRBC Board will be held annually at the April general membership meeting. Nominations are submitted and announced at March meeting of the general membership.
Procedures for the election shall be as follows:
- No later than the March general membership meeting, the President shall ask for nominations from the general membership to serve as officers on RRBC Board. At a minimum, a request for nominations will be announced in the school Family Bulletin.
- Individuals seeking nomination contact current RRBC Board. The names of all nominees shall be announced at the April general membership meeting and a vote will take place. The candidate with the majority of votes will be elected for each of the RRBC Board positions.
- The introduction of each elected RRBC Board Member will take place at the May general membership meeting.
- Transition meeting for new RRBC Board Members will be held at the June meeting.
C. Term of Office
All officers shall serve for a term of one year except Treasurer who shall serve a two-year term. Subsequent terms in the same elected position shall be limited to 4 additional consecutive terms.
Elected Officers are:
- President: One year term
- Vice President: One year term
- Secretary: One year term
- Treasurer: Two year term
D. Vacancies
In the event any officer is unable to fulfill his/her duties, these procedures by the general membership will be followed:
- In the event more than three months remain in the term of office, a new officer shall be elected by the general membership at the next general meeting through a majority vote.
- In the event less than three months remain in the term of office, the remaining term will be filled by vote of the RRBC Board.
- Should all officers become unable to fulfill their duties, a new election following the above outlined procedures shall be held within one month of notification of vacancies.
- In case of a vacancy of any office that cannot be filled, the Executive Committee shall fill that vacancy.
E. Duties of Elected Officers
- Shall attend and preside at all meetings of the RRBC Executive Committee and general membership, and shall be responsible for the program and arrangements of general membership meetings.
- Shall conduct all meetings in accordance with the Constitution, Bylaws, and parliamentary authority adopted by the organization.
- Shall serve as liaison between RRBC and River Ridge High School Principal.
- Shall personally represent RRBC or appoint a delegate in their absence.
- Shall assign special duties or responsibilities to any RRBC Board member in order to improve the organizational accomplishments and structure of RRBC.
- Shall appoint committees and committee chairpersons.
- Shall maintain compliance with the North Thurston School Board and River Ridge High School rules and regulations.
- Shall serve as signatory on all checks on any extra-budgetary item in the absence of the Treasurer.
- Shall maintain current and informative files for the office and shall have custody of the Constitution and Bylaws as well as permanent records of the organization, except for the financial records maintained by the Treasurer and minutes maintained by the Secretary.
Vice President
- Shall attend all RRBC Executive Committee and general meetings.
- In the absence of the President, they shall preside over all meetings and shall assume and exercise all rights, duties, and authority of the President.
- Shall have such powers and perform such duties as delegated by the President.
- Shall serve as signatory on all checks on any extra-budgetary item, in the absence of both the President and the Treasurer.
- Shall perform other duties as assigned by the RRBC Executive Committee.
- Shall attend all RRBC Executive Committee and general meetings.
- Shall keep minutes of all meetings, both general membership and Executive Committee.
- Shall type recorded minutes and submit said minutes in an agreed-upon method to the President for approval. Log approved RRBC minutes in RRBC Secretary Notebook.
- Shall maintain current and informative files in an RRBC notebook up to date through term of office. Records will be maintained for seven (7) years.
- Shall prepare correspondence, announcements, and meeting notices for the organization as directed by the President.
- Shall perform other duties as assigned by the RRBC Executive Committee.
- Shall attend all RRBC Executive Committee and general meetings.
- Shall be custodian of all organization funds.
- Shall maintain all financial and accounting records of the RRBC, collect dues, and authorize payment on approval of the RRBC Executive Committee in accordance with accepted accounting principies and applicable governmental regulations.
- Shall serve as primary signatory on all checks.
- Shall manage and maintain accountability ownership log for all RRBC Board members' debit cards and assigned facility keys.
- Shall advise the RRBC Executive Committee on all financial matters.
- Shall process all requests for review of the organization's financial records by members of the organization.
- Shall receive and disburse all funds belonging to the RRBC organization.
- Shall seek RRBC Board approval, by vote, on all donation requests and special expenditures.
This <loes not include normal operating expenses.
j) Shall prepare a financial report for each general membership meeting. This report shall be
presented a monthly general meeting.
k) Shall maintain current and informative files containing ali financial and accounting records of the
organization. Such records shall be maintained in a secure location.
1) Shall facilitate signature cards at current bank/credit union for incoming RRBC Board members,
immediately following completion of term.
m) Shall perform other duties as assigned by the RRBC Executive Committee.
F. Meetings
General Membership meetings will be held monthly at 6:30 on the second Tuesday of each month, with the exception of July, August, and December at River Ridge High School, unless otherwise communicated.
Request the presence of the Athletic Director and/or assigned school administrator.
Any necessary changes may be made at the discretion of the RRBC Executive Committee.
Emergency and Special Executive Committee Meetings
The RRBC Board may hold emergency or special Executive Committee meetings called by the President.
A majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
Any member may present any agenda item to the Executive Committee by making it known to any officer in person or in writing.
Regular Meetings - A written agenda shall be submitted to all Board Members prior to meeting by President.
Documentation and Communication
The agenda, previous general meeting minutes, and treasury report will be provided at every general membership meeting to members, including Athletic Director and/or assigned school administrator in attendance.
G. Motions and Procedures
The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order, revised Edition shall govern in all cases to which they are applicable, and where they are not inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of this organization.
When new items are brought forward, a motion must be made and seconded and any discussions shall be allowed prior to voting.
H. Voting
At any meeting, a majority vote of the members present shall be required to approve action of the general membership.
I. Minutes
- Minutes of all RRBC meetings shall be kept by the Secretary of designate.
- A copy of the unofficial minutes shall be forwarded to all officers prior to subsequent meetings.
- Minutes shall become official only when approved by President.
- The official minutes shall be kept on file by the President and Secretary.
J. Committees
All RRBC committees and activities will fall under the control of the RRBC Board and staffed by volunteers from the RRBC General Membership, RRHS students and members of the RRHS community.