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Student Drop-Off & Pickup

Student drop-off and pickup access is via River Ridge Drive. The Hoh Street entrance is for bus and student parking access. No student drop-offs or pickups are allowed in that area.


  • Middle lane is one lane only
  • Right lane is two lanes (through lane on the left, drop-off lane on the right)
  • Speed limit is 5 miles per hour in the drop-off area
  • Pull all the way forward before opening car door
  • Remind students to use the crosswalk
  • No access for drop-offs in the Hoh Street entrance area (buses and student parking only)

Enter via River Ridge Drive

Yellow and red arrows indicate lanes to travel inside the parking lot to drop off students.

Access campus via River Ridge Drive. Stay straight, driving towards the Auxiliary Gym.  Do not turn immediately right. The entrance off Hoh Street (and the parking lot) are for student parking and bus access. No student drop-offs are allowed in that area.

Middle Lane

Middle lane one lane only - pull forward and use crosswalks

One lane only in the middle lane. Pull all they way forward before letting your student exit the car. Please utilize the cross walk for safety.

Right Lane

Right Lane Two Lanes - arrows pointing to uses for both lanes.

The right lane is two separate lanes. The left lane is the through lane and the right lane is the drop off lane. Please pull forward before letting the student exit the vehicle.

No drop-off or pickups at the Hoh Street entrance.

Hoh Street Entrance is for student parking and buses only. No student Dropoff

The Hoh Street entrance is for student parking and buses only. No student drop-off or pickup.